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Lerndmina Management Member
Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:11 hours ago
Profile Views:1508
About me:Founder & System Administrator for Thalwyrn. If the server is down. I probably broke it.
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Coming Soon 5 months ago



Water bubbles inside other UI elements about 1 year ago

@BL19 broke the server so I can't fix the bug. Well done ????

Water bubbles inside other UI elements about 1 year ago

Comment below with what we should replace the duplicated waxed copper stairs with.

What would be useful in your builds?

How would you use that texture?

Stair Texture Suggestions about 1 year ago

Hey, this is already a thing, unfortunately the old schematics world didn't survive our last migration to a new host, so was lost months ago, however there is a world calledย void which has the same purpose, you can useย /mvtp void to access it. I have better backup systems in place now so this shouldn't happen again

Schem World about 1 year ago