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Confirmed Resolved Goblin Count Bug
Topic Locked
jp067 Game Master
16 posts
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About me: Hello folks. I’m impulsive but patient. You can use me as a messenger to the management team to pass on your worries and hopes for the server. All good ideas are greatly appreciated and all of them will be rightfully credited to its source. Hope to see you guys in game and finally my motto: Gotta Raid β€˜Em All
Minecraft: jp067
over 2 years ago

Your Minecraft Username: jp067

Are you using any mods (yes/no)?: yes

Steps to Reproduce the Bug: given by Apprentice IfritΒ 

  • Begin the quest given by Apprentice Ifrit;
  • Start killing the goblins.

Expected Result (What you would expect to happen if there was no bug): the goblin death count to stop at 0 and let me proceed with the quest.

Actual Result (What actually happened): the goblin count stops at 5 and the quest does not move forward

Provide Proof (Screenshots, video ETC): https://youtu.be/gAScR5h3I50

Severity (In your opinion how much did this bug affect your gameplay): 8/10 as it blocks a quest completion (10/10 if said quest belongs to the main quest line)

Last edited: over 2 years ago
Wild Founder ???? SysAdmin
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About me: Founder & System Administrator for Thalwyrn. If the server is down. I probably broke it.
Minecraft: Lerndmina
Discord: awild.
over 2 years ago

I'll leave this for @ahobowhosnameisu to look over as he made the quest.

Thalwyrn Sysadmin
When stuff breaks it's usually my fault.
Wild Founder ???? SysAdmin
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35 posts
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About me: Founder & System Administrator for Thalwyrn. If the server is down. I probably broke it.
Minecraft: Lerndmina
Discord: awild.
over 2 years ago

@jp067 It looks like the video is unrelated to the issue you presented, can you clarify.

Thalwyrn Sysadmin
When stuff breaks it's usually my fault.
ahobowhosnameisu Lead Developer
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Minecraft: ahobowhosnameisu
over 2 years ago

Issue has been fixed, location condition did not have correct coordinates. Quest should now be able to be progressed as intended.

x 1