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Topics: 7
Skills Interface
about 1 year ago by Wild

Current known issues.
about 1 year ago by Wild
Views: 375
Posts: 3
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about 1 year ago by Wild

Bug Reports Template
over 2 years ago by Wild
Views: 524
Posts: 1
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over 2 years ago by Wild
Resolved Water bubbles inside other UI elements
about 1 year ago by Walcriz
Views: 488
Posts: 3
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about 1 year ago by Wild

Resolved Skill "Channel Elements" Description
about 1 year ago by jp067
Views: 1160
Posts: 5
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about 1 year ago by ahobowhosnameisu

Confirmed In-Progress Class Skills after Class change
about 1 year ago by jp067
Views: 482
Posts: 5
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about 1 year ago by Wild