+ Additions:
• Forum Badges (Little awards for posting a certain number of times).
• Wiki V1, our first implementation of a wiki, will be filled out as we write up more guides ETC.
• We added our frontend theme, customizing it to fit the style of the server and community.
• Friend system, you can now add people as friends and they will get a notification. To accept a friend request open the notification then click the Friends tab on the user's profile.
• Punishment appeals, you can now appeal punishments following this guide on our wiki.
• Staff Applications (CLOSED). We've migrated our in-game staff applications from discord to the website. You will be able to apply soon following an as-yet unposted guide on the wiki.
• Staff page, there's now a staff page where you can look at all the members of the team and easily visit their profile.
Known Issues:
• Some users may not receive their verification email upon signup. If this happens contact us on our Discord and we will manually verify you.
• The Wiki is a little buggy and not fully complete.
• Discord & Google OAuth signup is disabled.